New Site
Well, I gave up, I’m switching to Hugo
Well, my small script just wasn’t good enough, and hoestly I would rather have some solid framework to write one.
This way I will be able to more easily use tags in my posts, and I will have a lot of quality-of-life features that I couldn’t bother to implement in my old website, thigs like print("better inline code")
printf("better normal code blocks");
class That(can):
work = with(different.langauges)
The theme I’m using is a modified version of hugo-texify2-mod, mostly changing fonts and colors. It still looks barebones at the moment, I might change it, I might not, haven’t decided yet.
Yeah, I guess that’s it, I’m hoping that by making this change I would encorage myself to wrtie more here, even if it was non-techincal stuff for fun.
You can find more about it on my account on X the everything app, and I wrote a small post about it